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Get Certified with the Joel Hall Breathing Jazz Floor WERKQ (a Barre technique)
First Section
Welcome to the Course! (13:53)
Crunches: Making Your Core Unbreakable (3:58)
Foot Circles: Solidify Your Foot Strength (3:53)
Attitude Devant Stretch: Awaken Your Dancer (4:11)
Upper Back Opener: Keeping Your Back Alive (4:00)
Pelvic Tilt and Frog Position Exercise: Working Your Joints (4:25)
Supine Torso Lengthen and Jazz Port De Bras: Stretching Your Torso (3:59)
Upper Back Stretch Sit Up: Stretching the Upper Back (2:20)
Abdominal Roll-Ups: Making Your Core Even Stronger (4:59)
Port de Bras to 5th En Haut & Modified Child's Pose: The Dancer's Stretch (5:04)
Leg Lifts: Working the Legs (4:19)
Attitude Devant Stretches: Spark The Dancer Inside (28:45)
Seated Flexed Leg Lifts: Ignite Your Legs (3:30)
Kneeling on One Knee: A Play of Stretches (13:29)
Hinges and Pushups: Adding Strength to the Dancer (4:36)
Demi Plies: Awaken the Dancer (8:50)
Grand Plies: The Dancer Within (14:06)
V to 5th: Standing with Precision (10:46)
Dancer's Perspective: What Do The Dancers Think? (10:16)
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Leg Lifts: Working the Legs
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